In 2011, I bought my first DSLR on a whim. It was the first equipment purchase I ever made that didn’t have a direct purpose for my business (yet).

The first thing I photographed was the night sky and I was totally blown away with how many stars lit up on the LCD screen. That led to an intense fascination, hundreds of hours researching, countless nights chasing the Milky Way, and a brand new passion.

My time-lapse videos and night sky images are some of my most prized creations. I’m often recognized for that work more than I am for my web design and development, which I’ve quietly been doing for over a decade.

I’ve also captured invaluable photos of our family, precious memories created through a hobby that started almost by accident. I even make money selling photos once in a while. Heck, I’m fairly certain my current employer hired me because of my stock photo side project.

Never be afraid to explore new interests and thrive on continuous learning.